Saturday, July 26, 2008

3 1/2 Months

My baby's Teething. He had his first fevor the other day due to teething. He's been ok ever since then. Just kinda scary.


njohnston said...

So Cute! Tye has a hat just like that. Poor little guy. I hate when they are teething. Do you ever use Hyland's Teething Tablets? They have always worked good for my boys.

Silcock Family said...

Its always scary when they get their first fever, I've been really lucky with Anniston because she is 7 months old and still hasn't had that first fever. He's so cute and growing so much.

Ellis Famiy said...

To bad about Brody teething!
It is hard when they don't feel good. I remember those days!
He certainly is a cutie! Can't believe he is already almost 4mths old.
Take care, Karen and Cliff
P.S. Cute Blog!

Ellis Family said...

He is sooo cute! Teething is never fun. I remember Jayde's first fever. I stayed up all night worried.