Wednesday, June 18, 2008

10 Weeks Old

Brody got his first set of shots yesterday and he did GREAT! He fussed a little bit as soon as they poked him but as soon as they pulled that needle out he was fine. His doctor gave him a little bit of Tylenol and he made such a funny face because that is the first time he had anything in his mouth besides formula. But he did such a good just I was worried about my baby but his daddy said he's a trooper.

My Weird Animals

Yes I admit I have some weird animals, But I do love them! They were our first babies. We have 2 cats (Mr. Peaunt and Spuddy) and a Yorkie named mocha. I cant help but take pictures of them every time I see them in a weird situation. The other day I had Brody in his crib and mocha kept crying to get in there so I stuck him in there and as soon as I did that he wanted out. Because he knew that was not a place for him. lol

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Megan's Visit

Well this past week one of my best friends Megan Pericht came home to visit, She is living in San Francisco, Ca and is in the Air Force. She is 7 months pregant and living out west all by herself. So she came home and had a nice little babyshower with a few friends and her family. It was very nice. I took a few pictures of the shower that I wanted to post.

Friday, June 6, 2008

2 Months Old Today!

I cant belive my baby is two months old today! We're is the time going? He was scheduled to get his first shots this monday, but I needed to re-schedule do to the Call Center Training that Charlie and I are doing at CFCC. So His Appointment is June 16th I'm gonna be so sad that day because I know he's not gonna be a happy baby. I hope he does alright. Well tomorrow we have a busy day. Bailey's 6th Birthday Party and then a Gradguation Party for Tony Pepe that evening. So that shall be fun. I'm sure I'll have plenty of pictures to post.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

My 1st Blog!!

Well today is my First Blog. I was just introdued into this Blogging world, all I need to do now is add some friends and post some pictures.